Friday 10 June 2022

Environment Protection Act 1986

What is the objective of the Environment Protection Act 1986?

a) To implement decisions taken at the UN Conferences on Human Environment in Stockholm, 1972

b) To take appropriate steps in protection and improvement of human environment.

c) To prevent hazards to human being, living creatures, plans and property.

d) All of the above è


The Act covers all forms of pollution; air, water, soil and noise. It provides the safe standards for the presence of various pollutants in the environment.

It prohibits the use of hazardous material unless prior permission is taken from the Central Government.

The objective of EPA is to protect and improve the environment and environmental conditions.

It also implements the decisions made at the UN Conference on Human Environment that was held in Stockholm in the year 1972, to take strict actions against all those who harm the environment.

The EPA empowers the Centre to “take all such measures as it deems necessary” in the domain of environmental protection.

Under the law, it can coordinate and execute nationwide programmes and plans to further environmental protection.

It can mandate environmental quality standards, particularly those concerning the emission or discharge of environmental pollutants.

This law can impose restrictions on the location of industries.

The law gives the government the power of entry for examination, testing of equipment and other purposes and power to analyse the sample of air, water, soil or any other substance from any place.

The EPA explicitly bars the discharge of environmental pollutants in excess of prescribed regulatory standards.

There is also in place a specific provision for handling hazardous substances, which is prohibited unless in compliance with regulatory requirements.

The Act empowers any person, apart from authorised government officers, to file a complaint in a court regarding any contravention of the provisions of the Act.

The chief aims and objectives of the Environment Protection Act, 1986 are listed below.

1) Implementing the decisions made at the United Nations Conference on Human Environment held in Stockholm.

2) Creation of a government authority to regulate industry that can issue direct orders including closure orders.

3) Coordinating activities of different agencies that are operating under the existing laws.

4) Enacting regular laws for the protection of the environment.

5) Imposing punishments and penalties on those who endanger the environment, safety and health. For each failure or contravention, the punishment includes a prison term of up to five years or a fine of up to Rs. 1 lakh, or both. This can also be extended for up to seven years in cases.

6) Engaging in the sustainable development of the environment.

7) Attaining protection of the right to life under Article 21 of the Constitution.


The term Environment is defined under section _ of the Environment Protection Act 1986:

(a) 2(a) è

(b) 2(b)

(c) 2(aa)

(d) 2(c)

Definition of environment:

Environment includes water, air and land and the inter-relationship which exists among and between water, air and land, and human beings, other living creatures, plants, micro-organism and property;


The Environment Protection Act was enacted in the year ______________ .

(a) 1988 (b) 1986 è

(c) 1991 (d) 1987


The Indian Parliament enacted the Environment Protection Act in the year ______.

(a) 1981 (b) 1986 è

(c) 1984 (d) 1982


Which Section defines 'Environment Pollutant' under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986?

A. Sec. 2(a)

B. Sec.2(b) è

C. Sec.2(c)

D. Sec.2(d)

Environmental pollutant means any solid, liquid or gaseous substance present in such concentration as may be, or tend to be, injurious to environment;


Environment Protection Act is legislated in

A. 1974

B. 1972

C. 1986 ==>

D. 1984


Environment has been defined as_________under the Environment Protection Act, 1986 –

a. ‘Environment’ includes water, air, land and the inter-relationship that exists between water, air and land and other human beings, other living beings, plants, micro-organisms and property è

b. ‘Environment’ includes water, air and land and the inter-relationship which exists between water, air and land and other human beings.

c. ‘Environment’ includes water, air and land and the inter-relationship with one another

d. ‘Environment’ includes water, air and land and human beings, other living creatures, plants, microorganisms and property.


As per Sec. 2 (a) of The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 Environment refers to:

a. water, air and land;

b. the inter- relationship which exists among and between water, air and land, and human beings, è

c. other living creatures, plants, micro-organism and property;

d. Animals & plants


Central Ganga Authority (CGA) came into existence under the Environment Protection Act 1986, headed by the Prime Minister of India.


The Environment Protection Act, 1986 passed in May 1986, it came in to force on:

a. 1 April 1986

b. 1 July 1986

c. 19 November 1986 è

d. 1 January 1987


The definition of ‘environmental pollution’ under the Environment (Protection Act) is:

(a) Any pollution of air, water and soil

(b) The presence of any solid, liquid or gaseous substance in the environment that causes injuries to man

(c) The presence in the environment of any environmental pollution è

(d) Any pollution in land, sea and air.

As per Section 2(c) of the Environment (Protection Act), 1986 ‘environmental pollution’ means the presence in the environment of any environmental pollutant;


In the light of definition of “Environment pollutant” Environment Protection Act, 1986, which one of the following statements is not correct:

(a) Environment pollutant is any substance or preparation which may, by reason of its chemical or physio-chemical properties or handling is liable to cause harm

(b) Environmental pollutant is any solid, liquid or gaseous substance present in such concentration as may be or tend to be injurious to environment

(c) Environment pollutant is a substance, which is poisonous, hazardous and injurious to human safety

(d) Environment pollutant is a substance which is chemically explosive contagious, destructive or non-reactive and non-useful for the living being on earth è=


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