Saturday 11 June 2022

Constitutional Provisions for women welfare Part 5

 Directive Principles of state policy are contained in __ part of the constitution of India.

(a) Part V from Articles 50 to 63

(b) Part IV from Articles 42 to 51

(c) Part IV from Articles 36 to 51

(d) Part III from Articles 12 to 35


The provision for Uniform Civil Code is given in the following law :

(a) Constitutional law

(b) CPC

(c) Cr. P.C.

(d) Hindu Marriage Act, 1955


Article 23 of Indian Constitution relates with _____.

(a) Right to life

(b) Right to livelihood

(c) Right to wages

(d) Prohibition on traffic in human beings and forced labour


Article 42 of the Indian Constitution makes provision for :

(a) Securing just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief

(b) Equal Pay for Equal Work

(c) To renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of Women

(d) Right to adequate means of livelihood.


The 73rd and 74th Amendments to the Indian Constitution effected in 1992 provide for reservation of seats to the women in elections to the :

(a) Panchayat and the Municipalities

(b) Vidhan Sabha

(c) Lok Sabha

(d) None of the above


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