Sunday 11 July 2021

Preamble of Constitution of Bharat

 Jay Shree Ram!

The preamble to the Constitution declares India to be a Sovereign Democratic Republic. The term ‘Sovereign’ denotes that India is subject to no external authority. The term ‘democratic’ signifies that India has a parliamentary form of government, which means a government responsible to an elected legislature. The preamble to the Constitution enunciates the great objectives and the socio-economic goals for the achievement of which the Indian Constitution has been established. These are: to secure to all citizens of India social, economic and political justice; to secure to all Indian citizens liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; to secure to them equality of status and opportunity, and to promote among them fraternity so as to secure the dignity of the Individual and the unity of the nation.

The Indian Constitution has been conceived and drafted in the mid-twentieth century-an era when the concept of social welfare state is predominant. It is thus pervaded with the modern outlook regarding the objectives and functions of the state. It embodies a distinct philosophy of government, and explicitly declares that India will be organized as a social welfare state, i.e., a state that renders social services to the people and promotes their general welfare. In the formulations and decelerations of the social objectives contained in the preamble, one can clearly discern the impact of the modern political philosophy, which regards the state as an organ to secure the good and welfare of the people.


References: -

Training package on administrative law

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