Sunday 11 July 2021

Adult Suffrage

Jay Shree Ram!

India has adopted adult suffrage as a basis of elections to the Lok Sabha and the State Legislative Assemblies. Every citizen, male or female, who has reached the age of 18 years or over, has a right to vote without any discrimination. It was indeed a very bold step on the part of the constitution-makers to adopt adult suffrage in a country of teeming millions of illiterate people, but they did so for some very sound reasons. If democracy is to be broad-based and the system of government is to have the ultimate sanction of the people as a whole, in a country like India where large masses of people are poor an illiterate, the introduction of any property or educational qualification for exercising the franchise would have amounted to a negation of democratic principles. Any such qualification would have disenfranchised a large number of depressed people. Further, it cannot be assumed that a person with a bare elementary education is in a better position to exercise the franchise are and choose his representatives accordingly.


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Training package on administrative law


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