Sunday 11 July 2021

Judiciary in Bharat

Jay Shree Ram!

A notable feature of the Constitution is that it accords a dignified and crucial position to the judiciary. Well-ordered and well-regulated judicial machinery had been introduced in the country with the Supreme Court at the apex. The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is very broadly worded. It is a general court of appeal from the High Court, is the ultimate arbiter in all-constitutional matters and enjoys an advisory jurisdiction. It can hear appears from any court or tribunal in the country and can issue writ for enforcing the Fundamental Rights. There is thus a good deal of truth in the assertion that the highest court in any other federation. There is a High Court in each State.

The High Courts have wide jurisdiction and have been constituted into important instruments of justice. The most signification aspect of their jurisdiction is the power to issue writs.

The judiciary in India has been assigned role to play. It has to dispense justice not only between one person and another, but also between the state and the citizens. It interprets the constitution and acts as its protector and guardian by keeping all authorities legislative, executive, administrative, judicial and quasi-judicial-within bounds. The judiciary is entitled to scrutinize any governmental action in order to assess whether or to it conforms to the constitution and the valid laws made there under. The judiciary has powers to protect people’s Fundamental Rights from any unreasonable encroachment by any organ of the state. The judiciary supervises the administrative process in the country, and acts as the balance wheel of federalism by settling disputes between the center and the states or among the state inter se.

India’s Constitution is of the federal type. It established a dual polity, a two tier governmental system with the Central Government at one level and the state Governments at the other. The Constitution marks off the sphere of action of each level of government by devising an elaborate scheme of distribution of legislative, administrative, and financial powers between the Centre and the States. A government is entitled to act within its assigned field and cannot go out of it, or encroach on the field assigned to the other government. Thus the Constitution of India is having significant effect on laws including administrative law. It is under this fundamental laws are made and executed, all governmental authorities and the validity of their functioning adjudged. No legislature can make a law and no governmental agency can act, contrary to the constitution no act, executive, legislative, judicial or quasi-judicial, of any administrative agency can stand if contrary to the constitution. The constitution thus conditions the whole government process in the country. The judiciary is obligated to see any governmental organ does not violate the provisions of the constitution. This function of the judiciary entitles it to be called as guardian of the constitution.


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Training package on administrative law


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