Sunday 11 July 2021

Introduction and History of Administrative Law in Bharat

 Jay Shree Ram!

Introductory :-

Administrative law is the bye-product of the

ð  Growing socio-economic functions of the State and

ð  The increased powers of the government.

In the developed society of India the job of administrative authorities as well as the relationship between the administrative authorities and the people has become very complex. In order to regulate these complex jobs and relations some law is necessary to bring regularity, certainty and to check at the same time the misuse of powers vested in the administration.

History :-

In the ancient society the functions of the state were very few the prominent among them being protection from foreign invasion, levying of Taxes and maintenance of internal peace & order. It does not mean, however that there was no administrative law before 20th century. In fact administration itself is concomitant of organized Administration. In India itself, administrative law can be traced to the well-organized administration under the Mauryas and Guptas, several centuries before the Christ, following through the administrative, system of Mughals to the administration under the East India Company, the precursor of the modern administrative system. But in the modern society, the functions of the state are manifold, In fact, the modern state is regarded as the custodian of social welfare and consequently, there is not a single field of activity which is free from direct or indirect interference by the state. Along with duties, and powers the state has to shoulder new responsibilities. The growth in the range of responsibilities of the state thus ushered in an administrative age and an era of Administrative law.

The development of Administrative law is an inevitable necessity of the modern times; a study of administrative law acquaints us with those rules according to which the administration is to be carried on. Administrative Law has been characterized as the most outstanding legal development of the 20th-century.

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