Tuesday 5 January 2021

Section 6 Pecuniary jurisdiction

Code of Civil Procedure Section 5. Application of the Code to Revenue Courts.

6. Pecuniary jurisdiction.—Save in so far as is otherwise expressly provided, nothing herein contained shall operate to give any Court jurisdiction over suits the amount or value of the subject-matter of which exceeds the pecuniary limits (if any) of its ordinary jurisdiction.

Note: Code of Civil Procedure 

Jurisdiction of courts and venue of suits

Jurisdiction means the authority by which a court has to decide matters that are brought before it for adjudication. The limit of this authority is imposed by charter, statute or commission. If no such limit is imposed or defined that the jurisdiction is said to be unlimited.

Limitation of jurisdiction of civil court is basically four kinds:

[1] Jurisdiction over the subject matter- to try certain matters by certain court is limited by statute (Ex. Small cause court- suit for money due under promissory note or a suit for price of work done)

[2] Place of suing or territorial jurisdiction – A territorial limit of jurisdiction for each court is fixed by Government.

[3] Jurisdiction over persons – All person of whatever nationality are subject to the jurisdiction of the country except foreign state.

[4] Pecuniary jurisdiction depending on pecuniary value of suit –There is no pecuniary jurisdiction of high court and district court.

Jurisdiction may be further classified: [a] Original jurisdiction [b] Appellate jurisdiction

Criminal and appellate jurisdiction- Supreme Court, High Courts and District courts have both original and appellate jurisdiction in various matter.

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