Wednesday 13 January 2021

Suits by or against Government: O27 R1

Code of Civil Procedure

Section 79. Suits by or against Government.

Section 80. Notice. 

O1 R9 Misjoinder and nonjoinder

O1 R10 Suit in name of wrong plaintiff.

O27 R1. Suits by or against Government.

Code of Civil Procedure

Suits by or against the Government or Public Officers in their official capacity

1. Suits by or against Government.—In any suit by or against 1[the Government], the plaint or written statement shall be signed by such person as the Government may, by general or special order, appoint in this behalf, and shall be verified by any person whom the Government may so appoint and who is acquainted with the facts of the case.

Note: 1. Subs. by A. O. 1937, for “the Secretary of State for India in Council”.

Part in Red is original provisions from CPC reproduced here for reference.

Code of Civil Procedure

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