Monday 1 June 2020

Short Q & A: Data protection law

Hello law professionals and law knowledge seekers. This blog is comprising of short Q and A on Data protection law history and introduction.

Q. Why data protection law is necessary in any country?
Ans. Data protection law is necessary in any country to ensure growth of the digital economy while keeping personal data of citizens secure and protected.

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Q. What do you mean by data protection?
Ans. Data protection is synonym to protection of information privacy.
Q. What are the objectives of the data protection law?
Ans. The objectives of the data protection law are: 1) to provide protection of information privacy; 2) to provide a foundation for datadriven innovation and entrepreneurship for empowerment, experiment and equal access committed by the digital future.
Q. Where can be data analytics used by organisations and government?
Ans. The data analytics can be used by organisations and government to gain remarkable insights into areas such as health, food security, intelligent transport systems, energy efficiency and urban planning.
Q. What does digital India initiative involves?
Ans. Digital India initiative involves the incorporation of digitisation in governance; healthcare and educational services; cashless economy and digital transactions; transparency in bureaucracy; fair and quick distribution of welfare schemes etc to empower citizens.
Q. Why Indian government uses personal data?
Ans. In India, the state uses personal data for purposes such as the targeted delivery of social welfare benefits, effective planning and implementation of government schemes, counter-terrorism operations, etc. Such collection and use of data is usually backed by law, though in the context of counter-terrorism and intelligence gathering, it appears not to be the case.
Q. How right to privacy is a fundamental right of a citizen of India?
Ans. Right to privacy is protected as an intrinsic part of the right to life and personal liberty under Article 21 of the Constitution and as a part of the freedoms guaranteed by Part III of the Constitution. Well explained in Puttaswamy case.
Q. Why data protection is necessary for an individual or for a community?
Ans. The usage of personal information not only reaps many benefits but is also capable of causing considerable harm. The need to prevent such harms, and hinges on the question of who should be permitted to use personal information and how; the data protection is necessary for an individual. The protection of privacy permits individuals to plan and carry out their lives without unnecessary intrusion.
Q. What are the types of privacy?
Ans. Three broad types of privacy have been identified: 1) the privacy pertaining to physical spaces, bodies and things (spatial privacy); 2) the privacy of certain significant self-defining choices (decisional privacy); 3) and the privacy of personal information (informational privacy).

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