Monday 18 July 2022

Administrative law one liner notes - Part 2


Vande Matram!

Government has to administer the State and its people by making various rules and regulations. The working of the government to administer the State is to abide by various administrative laws. Here are some one liners for your notes to prepare any judicial exam.

Part 1

·         Both the Union and the states are divided into three great departments, namely,

o   (1) the executive,

o   (2) the legislature, and

o   (3) the judiciary.

·         Executive may act in exercise of the executive power of the Union or of a state or it may act under the authority of a specific statute or subordinate legislation.

·         The exercise of all administrative powers is subject to the rule of law.

·         The legal control may be exercised by three authorities, namely,

o   (1) the legislature,

o   (2) the higher executive, and

o   (3) the judiciary.

·         Administrative law concerns itself mainly with the legal control of the government or of administrative authorities by the courts.

·         In general the public law deals with the relations between the states on the one hand and the individual or groups of individuals or associations on the other hand. Whenever a question arises as to the relationship in various circumstances between the state and the individual, it falls in the domain of public law; for instance, constitutional law, administrative law, criminal law, law of taxation etc., are all branches of public law. 


Read more on Administrative law.

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