Saturday 9 April 2022

The approach of India towards environmental protection

Vande Matram friends! The environment is one of the science topics. But the environment and its protection is our implied duty as human beings. So it is necessary to create some laws, rules, and regulations for the protection of this very basic thing for our better life. This series will discuss all the things related to environmental laws in India.

The approach of India towards environmental protection:

India had an ancient tradition of paying constant attention to the protection of the environment. In India, the devices and rules for protecting the environment are discernible from ancient times. Many scriptures show how ancient Indians were thankful for Mother Nature and how they were protecting it by planting numerous trees which they used to worship occasionally. Including idol worshiping, tree plantation, animal protection, and worshiping trees and animals was incorporated in day-to-day life for sake of the protection of the environment and its various components.

Apart from ancient practices in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism India had practiced the worship and protection of the environment during medieval and British Eras. After independence India had developed its own legislation for the protection of the environment which is in accordance with modern requirements and international environmental protection laws. Also, a great sense of concern has been shown by the legislature and even the Indian judiciary showed great concern regarding the environment with its landmark judgments.

During historical times Indians were aware of how to protect various components of the environment. They were planting trees to protect the biological environment. The planted trees were worshiped so that no one can chop them due to Godly respect for those trees. As trees were planted and grown other organisms and animals were sheltered properly. Indians were using organic fertilisers and hence the lands were free of chemical pollution caused by chemical fertilisers.

The cows were not just mothers in the spiritual sense, they were the main source of fertilisers and also used as medicine for many plant infections in agriculture. As cow dung is the best organic fertiliser even today. Also, cow urine is useful to treat various plant infections. Bulls were used in all agricultural operations and hence the air pollution which is due to mainly vehicles on the road and land was absent. Using animals for agricultural purposes which was the main source of earning and having a great impact on the economy of the nation was not cruel as described by today’s so-called animal lovers.

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